
Friday, January 17, 2014

Another lost and found UFO

Look what I found folded up in a drawer! This dresden plate block was the mate to another I made in the 1980s (really!). The sections were machine stitched and then I did needle-turn applique to do the edges of the plate and the center. I'm guessing that is why this one is still pinned to the background. But I think a quick machine blanket stitch and this one will be ready to become a new pillow or maybe the center of a doll quilt.


  1. Great idea. It's always fun to try a new block, but even better to finish up an old one. Good luck.

  2. Perfect ideas for using the orphan block.

  3. I recognize those fabrics. My mom started a log cabin about then and I have it. She took a class with Betty Barber.

  4. You are making me feel glad that I didn't start quilting before 2002... I might have been buried in UFOs! Pink and brown are so pretty together.

  5. Fabric from the 80's!!! I just saw a tote bag I think I pinned it anyway it was made with a wide striped fabric then she put a dresden plate on it. I want to try and make one someday.


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