
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Need some color help

I'm signed up for a quilt class later this month where we'll be making a Hunter's Star wall hanging. This can be done in 2, 3, or 4 colors but I've decided to keep it simple and use just 2. And they need to be high contrast.  Here is an example of what it could look like.

So I'm looking for some input into what colors to use.
  • black and white???
  • gold and brown (or black or cream)???
  • green and something???
I have made way too many blue and white quilts in the past couple of years although it is one of my favorite color combos.  There is a perfect spot for a wall hanging in my guest bedroom, which is all done in blue and white.  

Should I stick to my old favorites?   But maybe I need to step out of my comfort zone a little more. So . . . I'm looking for ideas. HELP!!!


  1. Red and White or pink and gray??? I downloaded a free pattern and it was done in white, gray and yellow I like the combination.Can't wait to see it when you are done. Maybe you could post pics from the class on your blog????

  2. Yellow and Blue? Showing my true SDSU spirit!

  3. All the suggestions you gave would be wonderful. What about putting a beige or cream with the green or even a yellow or gold.


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