
Thursday, January 2, 2014

January goals

I've decided that I want to choose a UFO from my list each month and get that to the next stage of completion.  The reason is that I have quite a few sets of blocks just hanging in my sewing room closet on skirt hangers - some sets are complete and just need to be set together to make a flimsy. There are some partial block sets that still need more blocks added.  There are currently 4 flimsies hanging in the closet waiting to be quilted.  There are 2 large quilts that just need binding.  And there are some old projects and some NEW projects that need to be started.

So my main January project will be setting together my Wishin' For Spring Saturday Sampler.  The fabric is all there along with the cutting instructions. The blocks are all done.  I just need to put it all together.

Goals for January:

  1. Wishin' For Spring - get it to flimsy stage & select some backing
  2. finish 4 Traveling Stars blocks (total is now 38)
  3. RSC14 Pig Tail blocks (2 in blue)
  4. cut out my new project (something patriotic)
  5. make binding for 3 quilts (Row Robin, fall mystery, Paris mystery)
  6. \hand quilt & bind my hexagon poppy table topper


  1. Such great goals! Looking forward to seeing all you accomplish in the new year.

  2. Sounds like a great plan for the Wishin' for Spring blocks. (I love that name!)

  3. Good plan!

    I need to do something similar!

  4. I like your plan! When I started my UFO tab last spring it was a bonus to move a project up the list step by step... Keeping that feeling of progress is so motivating.


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