
Friday, January 3, 2014


I love color which is probably one of the reasons I enjoy quilting so much and get such pleasure from seeing other people's quilting ideas.  Last year I watched several bloggers following SoScrappy and her Rainbow Scrap Challenge and this year I'm joining in (RSC14). Every month she selects a color and the challenge is to make something using that color.  January 2014 is blue and I'm going to use RSC14 like a BOM so that at the end of the year I've made enough blocks for a quilt.  

I've selected the Pig's Tail block from Eleanor Burns' book El's Kitchen.  It's a 12" block made from 2 colors (also called Snail's Trail) and I'll keep the background in nice safe white. I'm going to try to do 2 blocks each month in the designated color. That should create a decent sized rainbow quilt.  Here is my first January block.


  1. Chuckling, so glad to see you've joined the fun!

  2. Love the block and the colors. I want to do this, but don't need another project. I am thinking maybe I'll do my batik jewel box blocks in this manner.

  3. The block you selected will make a gorgeous quilt in rainbow colors.

  4. Yeah for RSC14 and this will be a really fun block to use!

  5. Maybe that's how I could get a quilt made this year!!


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