
Friday, September 30, 2016

Blocks, blocks, and more blocks

Just a bit of Halloween fun . . .

I dug through the whole drawer of Halloween fabrics to find a good variety for this block. I knew I wanted to fussy cut something for the door and windows of the house to make it look spooky. I'm thinking it still needs something added around the edges of the door to make it stand out more. Maybe I have some tiny orange rick-rack, or I could add a simple embroidery stitch around the door.

And I caught up with my blocks for the Facebook Farm Girl Vintage group this morning. Chicken Foot was a bit time consuming but worth the effort.  The Maple Leaf block was actually done already but I took it apart to change out the background pieces so there is better contrast. Plus the original green square was cut wrong and made the block pucker. It's all fixed now.  Even the small blocks are done! Yay!!!


  1. What a fun Halloween block! I agree - the door needs "something" to make it stand out a bit. I love the Chicken Foot block.

  2. Sara I just love that halloween house with the skelly welcoming us in. Such a clever use of fabrics. What will you make with it?


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