
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Heartland Guild and my September stash report

The Heartland Guild met yesterday. I always enjoy guild, but this one was extra fun.  First, our guild presented 41 fabric microwave hotpad bowls to a local organization that has a soup luncheon as a fund raiser. The soup luncheon features hand made bowls made by students. The diners purchase the bowl with their soup. This year they will also be able to purchase a hotpad bowl.
And then we had a wonderful trunk show by Catherine Erickson, a certified Judy Neimeyer instructor. She showed us some amazing quilts - each more beautiful than the last - and talked about her business, Canton Quilt Retreat. I think we have more than a few guild members interested in doing a class/retreat with her in the future.  Catherine had patterns for sale and I bought 2 that I've been admiring for quite some time online. And then - I won a third pattern as a door prize. How lucky is that?

And now for my stash report. I must make a confession - September was definitely a month for fabric shopping. And I've enjoyed every bit of it. Just over 39 yards were added to the stash this month, with more than half of that backing for some current quilts. The rest was just for fun!!
I've finished some things this month too. Two large quilts are finished and 2 more smaller quilt tops are ready to quilt. And there were a couple of smaller projects finished too. Plus - even with the large purchases I'm still slightly ahead of the stash!!
In this month: 39.5 yds
In this year: 127.75yds
Out this month: 31 yds
Out this year: 131.5 yds

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea to donate microwave bowl hotpads to the fundraiser. A soup bowl fundraiser is held in my area, too.

    Congratulations for winning a door prize!


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