
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Farm Girl Vintage progress

These are all of the miniature Farm Girl Vintage blocks (except for the cat) that I've made so far from both the book and online.  There are 41 total so far and I've made both the 6" and 12" version of each one. The cat block was laying on my coffee table because I was embroidering the face and I forgot to put it back in the group before taking the photo. 

In the second row from the bottom the blue and pink block has the middle side pieces all reversed - OOPS! The full sized version is correct but somehow I turned those pieces when I made the little one. I may - or may not - fix that. 

I still have a few to make, including a couple of the downloaded blocks like the cow.


  1. These are cute as can be. Well done! I wouldn't change a thing on the pink/blue block.

  2. so cute Sara these get me all excited Love this book

  3. Love all the blocks. So cool that you are doing them. I would not change the blue/pink block. It looks like that's the way it's meant to look to me.


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