
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I couldn't help myself

I'm showing my true colors here - because I just had to fix this block.  My 6" version of Winter Star (Farm Girl Vintage) had the center section on every side reversed. It made a nice looking block, but every time I looked at it the thought popped up about it being WRONG. So while watching football on Sunday I took it apart. Today I put it back together the right way and I feel so much better. Just call me obsessive.  I can take it.

My other Sunday afternoon activity was cutting all of the pieces for my next Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots project.  Over my lunch break today I started sewing the 4 patch sections from 1.5" squares.   


  1. Oh, the block is so pretty! I don't recall seeing the "wrong" one, but I'm glad for you that you are at peace with it.Looking forward to your newest Kim Diehl design also.

  2. Nothing wrong with changing the block pieces. This version looks nice, too.

  3. Your block looks great. Sometimes we just have to backup and do things over. Love your fabrics in this block.

  4. So glad you fixed your block. It would have continued to bother you. Love your Kim Diehl project. I'm sure you're enjoying finding the hidden time to sew.

  5. Very sweet Winter Star Sara! I had to go back and see what was 'wrong' with it. LOL Both are lovely!


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