
Monday, December 5, 2016

It's December already?

As always, December has come way before I was ready for it. On Saturday our guild had our Christmas party and the committee did a wonderful job putting together a fun afternoon. They made these darling little gift baskets for everyone. They contained a Corn Palace popcorn ball and a Christmas cookie. Those Corn Palace popcorn balls are a gooey and yummy local treat. I had eaten my cookie already when I took this photo.
I didn't remember to do a stash report yesterday so figured I would add my November report here. I added a LOT of fabric to my stash this month, partly due to a little road trip shopping. But I bought plenty locally too. Luckily most of it had a purpose.
In this month:  31 yds
In this year:  164.75 yds
Out this month: 15.5 yds
Out this year: 151 yds
The stash has taken over once again, but now that I'm not working as much I'm optimistic that I can make some dents in the volume. 


  1. Cute basket! They are my go to for gifts this year.

  2. What a cute and useful gift. Gooey popcorn balls are THE best!

  3. That is a beautiful holiday basket Sara! Keep up the good work.......your stash is growing! LOL

  4. Cute little basket! There is no way I will keep track of what goes into my stash! LOL


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