
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mystery quilt progress

I was only going to make a half sized mystery quilt, but since I have plenty of fabric I decided to go ahead and do it full sized.  No one is surprised, right?  I am loving the colors that Bonnie Hunter chose for En Provence. And so far the units have been very simple ones. I just need to catch up a bit on the sewing part. The pieces are all cut and ready to go.

If you haven't checked out her latest mystery quilt, here is the link. One clue is released each week on Friday and so far we've seen two of them.  Clue 1 is the 4-patch unit done with neutrals. Clue 2 is the magenta and neutral unit using the tri-recs ruler. Wonder what color or colors she will have us play with next? Purple, yellow, green, or lavender?


  1. Way to go!

    The cut-fabric piles look so neat. Did you use an AccuCut?

  2. I'm loving the mystery quilt as well. I should be able to catch up tonight if I get some sewing time. I think the colors are what made me want to do it... and lack of Christmas present deadlines.

  3. I don't have my 4 patches done yet either~ discovered I was 15 short! :-( Happy sewing!


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