
Monday, March 13, 2017

Design Wall Monday - Bread and Butter table runner

This will be a happy summer table runner. A week ago our guild hosted a class to make this table runner. The class was taught by Patti Heintz of Pierre and the pattern is Bread and Butter by Deb Tucker.  I couldn't stay for the whole class that day but I did finish the top of my table runner over the past weekend. This was a really easy pattern to follow. 
The colors are really much brighter, but we just can't seem to get any sunshine around here. Maybe once it's quilted I'll be able to get a better photo.
Check out Design Wall Monday at  to see what other quilters are working on this week.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I like it! The setting triangle and star centers' fabric adds a lot of texture and visual appeal to the runner.


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