
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Lots of binding to finish this week

I'm finally at the binding stage with these 2 baby quilts. These are my #12 UFO for the All People Quilt 2017 UFO Challenge.  The number drawn for March was 12 and I had listed both of these baby quilts because they are gifts for twin baby girls due in April.  So it was a lucky draw, because I would have been working on these now anyway.

These were my RSC16 blocks (Crown of Thorns), and I just divided them into light and dark for the 2 quilts. The dark one has purple Minkee backing and the light one has light pink Minkee backing.  My quilter Bonnie did soft round flowers on the light quilt, and bolder spikey flowers on the dark one.


  1. Lovely little quilts; I'm sure they will be loved. And I really like your Bread and Butter runner...very pretty. Happy Continued Stitching~

  2. I've never worked with Minkee, but it is the softest stuff. The babies are going to love these quilts.

  3. Oh I can feel the soft warm hug from your quilts! Just beautiful.

  4. They are beautiful quilts! I also have a lot of binding to do with 9 quilts needing binding now! I keep putting it off though.


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