
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Finishing a UFO and starting a PIG

The Crown of Thorns baby quilts are completely done and ready to gift as soon as the twin baby girls are born. These will go to one of my daughter's best friends who will add identical twin girls to her family in the next few weeks. The long arm quilter, Bonnie, quilted soft round flowers on the light colored one and bolder spikey flowers on the darker one. And the Minkee backs are purple and pale pink, also to go with the dark and light versions.
This was my March UFO project and it's exciting to be able to mark off another finish.  I had promised myself that if I finished these on time that I would start a PIG (project in grocery sack) and get another top done at least. I feel like moving a WIP or PIG forward is almost as good as finishing a UFO. So on Saturday I purchased a black dot background fabric to use with the PIG I've selected as my next project, which is a panel with black and lots of brights.  Cutting of pieces may even begin today.


  1. The quilts look fantastic! It's fun to imagine the adventures they will enjoy with the children.

    Black fabric with dots sounds perfect for your PIG.

  2. A beautiful finish Sara.
    I love dot fabrics, they make great backgrounds.


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