
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Turning a PIG into a WIP

My reward for finishing a UFO is to start a new project. Perfectly logical, right?  Well, my choice this time is to pull out a PIG (project in grocery sack) from the many waiting for attention.
I have a small drawer full of random fabric panels, with no actual plan for any of them. Some have squares or rectangles that could be cut into sections and others have one large picture. 
This panel has a black tree silhouette over a beautiful bright and colorful background. The colors are what I couldn't resist when I bought this.  I'm using the pattern Spotlight II to turn this panel into a quilt top highlighting those colors. It has a couple of simple borders, plus some additional pieced sections. Border 1 is on and I'm ready to work on the next one.
In the past year I've used 2 of those panels I've collected for children's quilts. The Crazy Cat quilt was done by adding strips as sashing and 9-patch cornerstones to the rectangles on the panel. Very quick - in fact I think I posted about it being a 3 hour project. It has been quilted and bound, so it's ready to gift to some child as needed.  And it was all from my stash! I know I'm going to use this pattern again.
This alphabet panel had squares that could be cut apart, but I decided to just put 1 border on and call it good.  So I chose a bold stripe from the stash that had lots of the colors from the panel. This one still needs to be quilted and bound.



  1. Great job making quilts from your stash. I love being able to do that.

  2. Panels do make quick and attractive quilts. Thankfully, I've only had a few wonky panels that were frustrating to square before sewing. The bright colors in your WIP are gorgeous. I'm watching that one with anticipation.


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