
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Farm Girl Vintage

My photos are a bit blurry and the light sure reflects the grey, damp day. But I've been playing with the arrangement for my FGV blocks. The blocks will be separated by white sashing and colorful cornerstones.  Since my husband has already left for the airport and a business trip, no one will mind if I leave these blocks laying on the family room floor while I decide if the colors are evenly distributed. My "design floor". 


  1. Beautiful blocks and fun, too.

    I always lay my quilts out on the floor as I work on them because I don't have a design wall. It requires a lot of bending and stooping, but it works.

  2. Oh what fun! I had no idea you've made so many blocks, just seeing a couple at a time. They look great!

  3. Hi Sara,
    It seems like we all had dreary days this whole weekend. It sure got me to finish up a few things. I now have a 'design wall' but prior to and when it's not big enough I use my living room floor. I have forgotten and walked on a few layouts in my days too. HAHA ~smile~

  4. All your blocks look great together. I made this quilt but missed out on the cow pattern. How are you going to quilt it?

  5. Yeah! That is a pretty awesome quilt. I love everything about it!

  6. Such fun blocks! It's going to be a very cute quilt.

  7. FYI - Since Judy Laquidara is no longer doing "Design Wall Mondays", I talked to her and got permission to continue Design Wall Mondays at my blog:

    I hope to see your posts on future Mondays, Judy Hansen


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