
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

APQ UFO Challenge

American Patchwork & Quilting has chosen #2 for the May UFO number.  This is an old, old UFO.  I worked on the hand applique for the 4 Season Cats wall hanging in 2000 on a road trip from South Dakota, to Atlanta, to North Carolina, up through Chicago, then Green Bay, and back to South Dakota. My youngest child had just finished her sophomore year in high school. She is now 33.
The hand applique was done years ago and now I'm hand quilting it. The quilting is just a simple diagonal grid plus outlining the cats, and it's nearly half done already.  I bought this as a kit, along with the book, but I have no idea where.  This was a lost item for several years and when I found it again the binding and pattern book were with it. Now I can't find that pattern book - and I'm assuming the binding is still folded up in it. So I can't even tell you who designed this. Maybe if I finally finish the quilting this month it will prod me into cleaning up the sewing room more deeply to find that binding and the book.
As you can see I did finish 4 UFOs - one for each month so far. However, I've cheated a little because I switched up 2 of those projects. As long as I finish at least 1 UFO each month I'm not going to punish myself for switching some of them.
UFO/WIP Project
Status Before
Status After
Valentine Bench Pillow
Needs blanket stitching around applique, then sandwich, quilt, and add envelope backing
4 Seasons Cats
Finish hand quilting, bind
ABC kid quilt
Machine quilt, bind
House Warming Party
Finish blocks
Circa 2016
Finish making blocks
Easter Sunrise runners (2)
Applique, quilt, bind
DONE in January!
Batik Stars Saturday Sampler
Finish blocks
2016 2015 Saturday Sampler
Finish blocks, need to cut out setting pieces Quilt and bind
DONE in February!
Reindeer 60-degree runner
Quilt and bind
2015 Friendship Exchange
Blocks are made, need to determine a layout
Beach cross-stitch piece
Harvest Bounty 60-degree runner
About half stitched only
Re-do quilting
DONE in April!
RSC16 Crown of Thorns
12+ blocks finished, need to determine layout
DONE in March!


  1. I love these bright colored cats!

    The switched UFOs were just "misnumbered.” (wink, wink) I always find items when I'm not looking for them. . .

  2. I've been switching mine up as well. I'm just happy to have some UFO's finished.

  3. You are doing so great on finishing your UFOs Sara! Congrats!


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