
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Optimism vs realism

Thinking of all of the things I could be working on . . . and trying to be realistic at the same time.  I think my goals for the month of May are a mixture of realism and optimism. 


One of the things in my sewing room right now that is driving me crazy is this big grey plastic tub - which is full of "stuff".  I have no idea what all might still be in there. The good news is that there used to be 2 of these and I did clean out 1 of them and consolidated everything left into just the one. The bad news is that I have no idea what's in it and my scrap bins sit on top of it and they are overflowing. The whole thing needs to be cleaned out and organized. Scraps need to be tamed, and that tub needs to be explored and organized. 

So here are my goals for May . . .
  • Clean out and organize 1 grey tub (includes the scrap bins)
  • Saturday Sampler monthly task
  • UFO Challenge - finish quilting 4 Season Cats wall hanging
  • 4 new donation pillowcases
  • 2 pillowcases (from my cousin's fabric)
  • finish top for small Farm Girl Vintage blocks


  1. Great goals. I'm sure you'll be able to tackle that grey tub and organize the contents. You've reminded me that I also have a tub filled with mysterious items.

  2. My scraps are out of control and I don't enjoy using them. I need to make myself organize them and then maybe I would use them! You have a great list of goals!


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