
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Beginning the exploration

I feel like I've opened up Pandora's Box, but it's just a big grey tub full of odds and ends of sewing "stuff" in my sewing room.  Late Tuesday evening I got up the courage to move the scrap bins which I'll deal with later, and lifted the lid on that tub.  It was full and I must admit it's a bit overwhelming.  This finished quilt top was one of the first things I pulled out, and I know I made this in our previous house, so it's at least 12 years old.  I remember making this but had no idea it was never quilted. 

It's a simple 9-patch, but with large yo-yos pinned into the white squares.  I unpinned the yo-yos, and pressed the top.  And on Wednesday I went to The Pin Cushion . . . backing is now purchased and I've left it for quilting.  There was even enough of the yellow border print in the bag to use for binding. I'm not sure if those yo-yos will end up back on it or not.  We'll see.  They might be cute anchored with a big white button sewn into the middle of each. 


  1. It's almost like making an instant quilt! Plus, the design is still wonderful. It's amazing what lurks in closed bins, or behind closed cabinet doors!

  2. I like the button idea. Not going to touch my box of who knows what, thanks for the heads up.

  3. Nice - a lovely quilt just in time for summer! Who knows what other treasures are tucked into that grey tub.

  4. Love it with the yo yo as photo shows, very creative and cute, I say put them back on.
    Good for you for opening the tub of fabric, I am gearing up to do the same!


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