
Friday, May 5, 2017

Pillowcases from stash

Added to the finished pillowcase pile - 1 Spider-Man pillowcase from the stash in the tub and 1 City Dog pillowcase left over from a recent purchase.  The Spider-Man one may have to be set aside for grandson Mason's June birthday. 
Another find in the big grey tub - more fabric that will make pillowcases.  This cute yellow print was something I originally bought to make some scrub tops for my daughter.  Notice the 1997 date on that selvage in the last photo below. If memory serves me correctly, I bought 3 yards of this fabric on a sale table someplace.  It should be well aged by now.
There are 2 pillowcase "kits" now cut from this, pinned, and ready to sew.  That still leaves a little more than 1 yard remaining for 1 more.  


1 comment:

  1. The city dog fabric is adorable.

    I found some "aged" fabric last week and kitted some pillowcases for the hospice home. I don't know when I'll get to them, but at least they are all ready to sew.


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