
Monday, May 22, 2017

5 good reasons for not sewing

No sewing happened (except a little binding in the car) in the last few days. We left home early Thursday afternoon for Dave to attend a short work meeting and then we headed to granddaughter Sophia's pre-school graduation.  After the graduation ceremony we all went out for ice cream to celebrate and then checked into a motel for the night.  Friday morning we left for Omaha for the weekend.
My niece's husband retired from the army on Friday, and they had a reception for him at their home. It was so fun to visit with family we don't see often enough. 
On Saturday our kids and grandkids joined us at the zoo - where lots of fun was had in spite of the rain.  One would think that 6 adults could keep track of 5 kids, but it was a challenge with all of us counting heads continuously. We kept to the indoor exhibits in the morning and when the rain let up about noon we worked our way through most of the outdoor areas. Jonah's favorite thing was the rattlesnake, Olivia loved the train ride, and we could hardly get Mason out of the aquarium, especially the penguins. 
Sunday morning I had coffee with an old friend that I hadn't seen since our freshman year in college. That was 45 years ago! We met as exchange students in Hamburg Germany in 1971.
All said, it was a fun weekend but I was ready to get home and sleep in my own bed again too.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I'm glad you were able to spend he weekend together.


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