
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May UFO is done

I did some switching again on my UFO Challenge list, replacing a project I knew I couldn't finish with one that had a chance of getting finished.  And here is the finished UFO. This one was a lost and found item that is at least 12 years old because I made it in our previous house.
Bonnie (The Pin Cushion) quilted it with a cute cherry cluster design to match the outer border. I got the binding sewn on this weekend. And after some experimenting, I've decided to leave off the big yo-yos that were originally in the white squares.  It just felt too busy with those on there.

Finishing this UFO means I've completed at least 1 each month so far.  Too bad there are still so many more to go!


  1. This is a beautiful finish: perfect for spring and summer. It looks great without the yo-yos.

  2. It's beautiful! Longest journey to finishes starts with first UFO. :D

  3. Congratulations on completing this UFO. One a month - well done! Love how the cherry cluster quilting matches the cute cherry border print.


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