
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Farm Girl Vintage update

I spent only about an hour sewing on this darky and rainy day.  My basement sewing room was so dreary!  And chilly!  It just doesn't get enough natural light and I'm tired of trying to make floor lamps and Ott lights create enough good light. Sigh!!!
But one more row was added to the bottom of my Farm Girl Vintage quilt. I have 3 more rows of blocks to put together, along with the sashing and cornerstones between rows and at the top and bottom.  The blocks themselves are finished and the rows laid out.  Once those are done the plan is to add another 1.5" white border around the whole outside.  These are my small blocks - finishing at 6", and the finished quilt will be a generous lap size.
Then I'll decide if I'm going to do the prairie points when I add the wide outer border.  Of course I still haven't picked out a border fabric or even know what color I want to look for. I'm going to need to lay this out and stare at it for awhile before deciding on those last colors.  Design as I go . . .


  1. it is just lovely ~!!! such nice work and they are so fun! take care and good luck from Iowa

  2. I LOVE all of these blocks, and the look fabulous together!

    It's dreary here today, too. Snow is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. Sigh. . .

  3. This is one fun quilt! Your blocks are beautiful. I find if I choose a border fabric in the beginning, more often than not, I'm changing it in the end.


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