
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Looking for my mojo

This should be my new mantra. Just sayin . . .
I stole this picture from 24 Blocks on Facebook and need to print it to hang everywhere in my house where I'll see it.  I have few excuses for feeling low, but I am struggling with my creative happy side right now.  My mojo will return - maybe with some sunshine after so many rainy days.
I started to clean out that "big grey bin" over a week ago. But I got distracted interrupted, and then I spent a few days away from home - and now it's just increasing the mess in my creative space.  I did rescue one long-forgotten quilt top from the bin and it's now quilted.  My plan today is to make and sew on the binding so I'll have some hand stitching to do on a little road trip we're going to take for an upcoming retirement party. 
And my other plan for today is to repack the remaining contents, put the top back on the bin, and leave the rest for another day.  It is just contributing to the chaos in the room and that makes it less enjoyable to be in there.


  1. There's no shame in packing the stuff into the grey tub and putting it aside for another day. Finishing the one project from the bin was progress. Celebrate that.

    It's snowing here today, so I'm slipping into the doldrums. I am sick of snow and cold, dreary days.

  2. My scrap bag is overflowing big time and I'm about ready to just get rid of the whole bag. It does vex my spirit to look in the corner and see the mess. Enjoy your road trip! And, yes... one project finished out of the bin is progress!

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