
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Precious friendships

Friends are very precious!  

 Shortly after I retired - kind of - from education last summer a small group of friends secretly began to plan a quilt for me. Even the 2 ladies who've moved far away got involved!  Yesterday I had a late lunch with 3 of them and they gifted me with the finished wall hanging that they designed and made.
Isn't this cute? Evidently one of them saw something similar that I had pinned on Pinterest and then designed this especially for me.  It's wonderful and so special. I just wish we could have ALL been together yesterday!  Thank you to Kelly, Tina, Pam, Marilyn, and Sylvia!!
Friendships are precious commodities! We were all friends due to our careers and our common interest in quilting.  Tina retired as a principal and moved closer to her children and grandchildren.  Last summer Kelly moved closer to her adult children.  Sylvia is getting ready to move out of state this summer.  Our group keeps shrinking as the miles between us keep growing, but hopefully our friendship will stay alive and well.


  1. It's sweet and so are your friends! Sometimes long-distance friendships are easier to maintain and expand.

  2. Friends are so special...truly a gift from God. What a wonderful treasure they made for you.

  3. I saw the quilt in person-really super nice! Congrats on your retirement, Sara!!


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