
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A break from boredom

I'm so easily bored when it comes to my sewing and so it's a constant struggle to stay focused on one project long enough to finish it.  I love sampler quilts because I don't have to make the same block over and over and over again.  That's one of the reasons I have so many UFOs hanging around.  This weekend I got tired of working on tiny red and white flying geese, and remembered that I had cut the pieces for a couple of patriotic garlic knot blocks. These are the blocks my guild is using to make a couple of Quilts of Valor this year.
So, I quickly stitched these 2 blocks up and then played with laying out the guild blocks that I have collected so far.  We have nearly enough for 2 quilts, so maybe I'll make a couple more blocks before next weekend's meeting.  And then I need to get back to those flying geese - 2 borders done and 2 to go. Focus, focus, focus!


  1. Love the Garlic knots. They are on my someday list. It's great that you can make a few and move on to something new.

  2. Garlic Knot blocks have been on my radar for a few months. I think they'd make a dent in my 2.5" scrap bin.

    Love the blocks you made and those you've collected. They will make great QOV.

  3. Hi Sara,
    I have never heard of this block before, but it is very nic. I love the secondary pattern they create the way you have it laid out now. Very nice! ~smile~

  4. The garlic knot blocks are great. I, too, like the secondary pattern they create. I might have to add these to my list, but not until I get some of these others done first. :)


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