
Friday, May 26, 2017

Slow progress

The top border is now attached to my Farm Girl Vintage and the bottom border is nearly ready to attach.  These flying geese blocks are only 1.5" x 2.5", so they are a bit fussy to work on. The side borders are longer so they will need even more geese. SIGH!  I get bored making LOTS of the same block over and over and over again.
And I spent almost an hour this morning doing a thorough cleaning of the bobbin area of my machine, inserting a new needle, and running several new bobbins.  I know I cleaned out that bobbin area this winter but it was sure a mess of lint again.  And I was definitely overdue for a new needle.
So hopefully now I'm ready for some non-stop sewing - after my weekend company has gone home.  That company being a couple of my grandchildren, and there is no sewing done with a 2 year old in the house.


  1. Looking good. I also grow weary of making the same blocks and units, and I try to break things up whenever I can.

    My machine probably needs a new needle, too. I clean the bobbin area about every fourth bobbin, but I'm lax when it comes to changing needles.

  2. Yes making repetitive blocks can be tiring and so worth it! Have learned keeping that bobbin area clean and lint free makes all the difference in finished seams

  3. it's what i love about having my machine set up all the a few, do something else and then come back to them....inch by inch life's a!


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