
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Finished exchange block top

I set a goal of finishing this top by Father's Day weekend, but I had Friday morning open.  No work - and the little tiny flying geese for Farm Girl Vintage just didn't appeal to me.  Both projects are currently living on my cutting table, ironing board, and sewing table.
This went together so much faster than I expected.  I did a bit more figuring (math) and then just cut into those strip sets.  Trying to be brave and hoping that the math was right. And it turned out just perfect.  Lucky me!  It's appliqued, pressed, and ready to be quilted.  Also the binding is ready to go too, also from that same dark red.  So I think my portion of this donation project is done.  Check off UFO #10 from the Challenge.
The other exciting thing is that it appears there are enough opposite wedges left from those strip sets that I can do something similar in my own personal version of this quilt.  I really hadn't decided what I wanted to do with my own set of these blocks but I like this outcome so well that I think I'm going to copy it.  Maybe a different color inner border and binding.  And maybe I'll add an outer border to make mine larger.  New goal?  Both tops done by Father's Day?


  1. Sara, you did a beautiful job putting this quilt together and making the medallion. It's gorgeous! It's funny... the way it is on your floor, it looks like the lower right block extends beyond the edge. Great job!

  2. Oh yeah, this is a fantastic top! You're tempting me to use my ruler and make a Dresden plate block.


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