
Sunday, June 4, 2017

Stash Report & the 4 Bs

I've been determined to cut back on frivolous fabric purchases and have done well so far in 2017 by mostly making purchases that had specific purposes. So far most of my purchases have been Backgrounds, Borders, Backing, and Binding to finish existing projects. The 4 Bs of finishing UFOs. 

  • Fabric IN this year:  44 yards
  • Fabric OUT this year:  81 yards

It's really exciting to be so far ahead this year.  A little mental discipline is paying off so far.

This isn't saying that I don't have some new projects ready to start or already started.  For example, I'm doing Saturday Sampler again and that fabric was all new purchases. And I have purchased a couple of new patterns in the past couple of months that I'm just dying to try out - and that just may require a few purchases.  Since it's the process that I love I'm determined to enjoy every project that I work on, whether it's new or finishing a UFO.


  1. I'm trying to be more conscious about my fabric and yarn purchases. Last year I did well, but last month I splurged and bought a lot of yardage (for backings) that was on sale. I must learn to walk away even if it's a good deal.

  2. Good stash report for you! I've been bad hitting the sales for fabrics that sing to me but I don't really need them, LOL!


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