
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Candy Dish is complete

Candy Dish is completely done and another UFO can be checked off the list.  I used a black thread and a decorative stitch on my machine to do some simple outline quilting around all of the solid black pieces.  Nothing fancy, but I like the impact. 

This isn't exactly a summer themed table topper, so it will probably go into the drawer until winter. Or it may go into my "gifting" stash after I've enjoyed it awhile. But for right now it looks pretty good on my little kitchen table.


  1. The black stitching looks elegant on this piece. I can see a bouquet of vibrant summer flowers sitting on this mat.

  2. It looks great Sara! I love that you quilted it yourself and were able to get a fairly quick finish.

  3. Hi Sara,
    I love this table topper! The black and white is sharp, and that decorative stitch looks really cool. I never think to use a decorative stitch like this - thanks for the gentle reminder. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I also use my blog as a journal for my projects. It's good to have a record.

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