
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Reindeer 60 degree runner

I'm on a roll and another UFO is done.  This 60 degree runner top has been waiting to be quilted since November 2015. That's the good - or bad - thing about blogging. It's my journal and I can always go back and see when I worked on something.
I sandwiched this runner and began to hand quilt it, but then I got distracted and it's just been folded up and waiting, with the needle still in place. Yesterday I sat down and pulled the hand stitching out while visiting with my sister-in-law who had stopped in.  After supper I went into my sewing room and machine quilted this in a very simple manner, and then dug into the stash for a dark red for binding.  I woke up really early this morning so I sewed on that binding and now even the binding is hand stitched down.  This was #9 on my 2017 UFO Challenge list and now I can check it off as done.


  1. WaHoo! It looks fantastic, especially with that red binding.

    I also use my blog as a journal for my projects. It's good to have a record.

  2. You are on a roll! This sure will look nice on a table during the holidays. Great finish!

  3. WOW!! I love the way you did this reindeer border. That's amazing.

  4. I also use my blog as a journal for my projects. It's good to have a record.

    Gclub จีคลับ


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