
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

End of summer fun

We spent Saturday enjoying our grandchildren.  First was a morning at the zoo with 3 of the kids, and their parents.  Olivia kept telling her mom and dad that she wanted to ride the camel, from the time they got there. But mom and dad kept saying no.  As we approached the camel area, she told her mom and I:  "see - those kids are riding the camel, but the other one looks really lonely".  How could grandma resist buying tickets to ride the lonely camel after that logic. 
After the zoo we picked up Sophia and went to the Kirby Science Center at The Washington Pavilion.  Little brother Jack was sick, so that is why they didn't join us at the zoo in the morning.   

On Sunday we went to a family potluck to visit with some of my husband's cousins who were visiting from out of state. It was a typical Midwestern potluck with lots of great food and lots of people.
Monday involved golf with my husband, some laundry for me and some home improvement projects for him.  Can't say that my golf game has improved at all this summer. And halfway through the round I got stung by a wasp - in my hair, just behind my ear. OUCH!!!!
Now, it's time to get back to work and hopefully my sewing room too.

1 comment:

  1. A camel ride? How fun is that! I'm glad she convinced you to let her ride the lonely camel.

    Wasp stings hurt much more than bee stings. I hope it feels better today.


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