
Saturday, September 2, 2017

September goals

Notice the wording on the wall hanging behind my project stack?  It says I'm buried under an "Avalanche" of fabric. Yup!!
On my cutting table are the pillowcase kits, ready to work on as I find time. But stacked on top of that little drawer unit are several UFO/WIP types of projects. I haven't wanted to put them away because then I know I won't get back to them for awhile.  But Friday afternoon I did get some of that organized.  It helped me identify some new priorities for September.
September goals . . .
  1. Simple Whatnots project - Abiding Faith
  2. bind the 2016 Saturday Sampler (at the quilter's now)
  3. make 5 more pillowcases from the kits
  4. quilt and bind the cycling wall hanging
  5. make a big floor pillow for grandson Jack
  6. finish blocks for APQ 2017 UFO Challenge (batik stars)
  7. make 10 more polka dot pinwheel blocks
The cycling wall hanging and some of the pillowcases are for Christmas gifts, so those need to be a priority.  The Saturday Sampler quilt from 2016 is going on my bed, so I definitely want to finish that up so we can enjoy it. Binding it will take some time however because it's huge.
My youngest grandson Jack needs his very own BIG floor pillow so he'll stop fighting over his sister's pillow.  I'm sure I have something in the stash that I can use for that.  Maybe even some orphan blocks that I can use.  We'll see.
And the UFO Challenge project for September is #7, which is my Batik Stars quilt. This was a Saturday Sampler from a few years ago that I just didn't finish at the time. There are a few blocks left to make and I already have the sashing fabric in the box with it. 


  1. Productive people never get bored or run out of projects. I know you'll check most of these off your list.

  2. Great goals--I will be cheering you on--you have motivated me to set my own goals


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