
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Little red convertible

Granddaughter Sophia had her tonsils out this morning.  She was a trooper according to mom and dad.  I'm very impressed by the process these days - including the patient driving herself into surgery in a little red convertible. How fun is that!  And she has her favorite quilt with her, which is the one I made for her just over 5 years ago when she was born.  Obviously there is a focus on keeping the kids relaxed and less frightened before surgery. That sure is different from when I had my tonsils out back in the dark ages - 1963.
I'll be babysitting tomorrow so mom and dad can go back to work. And since she can't go back to school until the end of next week, she may come stay with us for a few days next week, so mom and dad don't have to miss too much work.  I feel bad that she has to miss so much school right away, so hopefully her kindergarten teacher can give us some things to work on while she's out.  


  1. Nice ride! ❤️

    It is wonderful that hospitals are more empathetic to the needs of children.

  2. I had to be in hospital at her age and it was terrifying. I was left with a lifetime of fear of doctors, so this post is hopeful. So nice you are nearby to take care of her. I am sad there is that much to miss from some sick days, in kindergarten now! what happened to coloring in all the blue items? Finger painting?


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