
Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sunday "piece and quiet"

That is a bad pun, I know.  But I did have plenty of uninterrupted sewing time today because my husband is playing in a golf tournament with both sons-in-law.  So, other than doing a little laundry, I had the day to myself to do what I want. 
I started out with a bit Halloween fun.  A friend in our Sew Vintage group gave everyone a 10" square of a vintage-looking Halloween fabric. Then I dug into the stash to find something to go with it.  I'm not sure yet whether this will end up a pillow cover or wall hanging. 
And with leftovers I made this mug rug. This is sandwiched and ready for a little quilting. In the meantime I can keep thinking about what I want the bigger project to become.

1 comment:

  1. Your Sunday sewing results are wonderful. It's fun to play with fabric when the house is quiet.


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