
Monday, September 11, 2017

Pinwheel progress

There are only 12 pinwheel blocks left to finish and then I can put them together into a quilt top.  I'm toying with placing a narrow sashing between these blocks, but haven't decided yet for sure.  It doesn't have to be very wide and I have enough of the background to do the sashing. 
Check out what other quilters are up to at Design Wall Monday:


  1. Very cute! I love the fabrics you used.

  2. Ooh, I love your pinwheels! How do you press the seams for these blocks? Are they spiraled at the center of the block to lay flat? I have always wanted to make a pinwheel quilt.

  3. Love, love these! The fabrics are my favorite colors. It's going to be gorgeous.

  4. Very fun colors and I like them without sashing. They seem to have great movement this way!


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