
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Grand Adventure begun

I know I have no business starting one more project until I finish something, but I just couldn't resist trying this out.  And it gave me a break from seemingly endless pinwheels.
Jennie Doan of Missouri Star Quilt Company calls this quilt Grand Adventure. This was one of her recent online tutorials.  It's also known as Delectable Mountains, and I'm sure there are other names for these blocks as well.  There are even alternate setting options with the mountain peaks off set with each other, like below.
Her tutorial shows this block made using 10" layer cake squares and I just happened to have a Christmas layer cake.  A print 10" square is matched up with a background square and sewn on both sides of a diagonal line - creating 2 big half square triangles.  They are then cut into 4 even strips, making sure the diagonals run opposite directions.  Then the strips are rearranged to make the peaks.
Check out her tutorial here:


  1. I made these blocks over the weekend from a batik layer cake, but I don't have them pressed yet. They were fun to make.

  2. Delectable Mountains has always been a favorite even though I have never made one. Yours is such an inspiration and so nice with Christmas fabrics.

  3. did the " measurement bother you? Or did you use the painters tape too?


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