
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

My sidekick . . .

My sidekick this week is 5 year old granddaughter Sophia.  She had her tonsils out last Thursday and the doctor says she can't go back to school until Friday. So she is staying with grandma and grandpa for now because mom and dad need to go to work.  Since I work from home it's no problem to have her here - especially since she is one of those kids who entertains herself for hours on end with Legos or coloring books or crafts.  And she has an iPad with PBS Kids animal shows that she listens to while she plays. Over, and over, and over again.  We've done FaceTime with mom, dad, and little brother Jack each evening and she doesn't seem homesick.  I'll take her home on Thursday around supper time once mommy gets home from work. I think she will be glad to go back to kindergarten and see her friends. 


  1. It's a blessing that you are close enough to do this for her mom and dad.

    The picture of her sitting on the table is sweet.

  2. Discover how 1,000's of people like YOU are making a LIVING by staying home and are fulfilling their wildest dreams right NOW.


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