
Monday, September 18, 2017

No sewing happening around here.

I have not stepped foot in my sewing room for over a week and I'm going through withdrawal. I'm also at work now - and procrastinating getting some invoicing done.  Shame on me!
Between work last week, having our 5 year old granddaughter staying with us all week, and then heading back to my home state over the weekend for my 45th (gulp!) class reunion - there was no time for sewing.
But my sister-in-law stopped over last night and brought me some fun Row By Row license plates. She spent 3 weeks in Connecticut, and New York, and Boston on a recent visit to see her great granddaughter.  Wasn't that nice that she thought of me?  I just can't decide which is my favorite.
So they are now in the stack of quilty things waiting in the kitchen to be taken downstairs to my sewing space.  And hopefully that, and some sewing, will happen this afternoon.


  1. I'd be shaking if I were you! :D Hopefully you can stop your withdrawal symptoms soon. The license plates are so cute and fun!

  2. A fun selection of fabric "plates": it's difficult to chose a favorite.

  3. That's an awesome gift. I finally got back to sewing, only because I forced myself. I've gotten pretty good at going to bed early and not sewing. Time to get back to my relaxing/sewing routine.


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