
Saturday, October 28, 2017


I've had all spring and summer to make the 4 Christmas stockings I need for my second daughter's family.  But here it is almost November and I'm just starting to put some ideas together. Do you procrastinate like this too?  The 2.5" squares need to be rearranged yet, but I think this will be the foundation of the first stocking front.


  1. Do I procrastinate? Yeah, all the time. . . Sometimes, I work best under pressure.

    It looks like you've got a good start on the first stocking.

  2. I'm a huge procrastinator when it comes to certain things like sewing and crafts and taxes. But I'm very quick to action in many other areas. Best wishes with your projects. They look lovely so far.

  3. I'm also very slow when I can't find motivation. Once I get over the hump, then I can usually get them done quickly.


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