
Monday, October 30, 2017

Design Wall Monday - Abiding Faith

My design wall Monday project includes moving some quilts around in my house.  What's on your design wall today?  Check out others at:

This little finish has me quite frustrated. It's Abiding Faith, another beautiful mini by Kim Diehl, and I got it quilted and bound over the weekend, but it isn't going to be a favorite - because of the rippled borders. I measured over and over again and everything was fitting perfectly, until I quilted it. Obviously my quilting stretched the borders, or maybe the grid quilting in the center pulled it too much.  Either way, 2 of those borders wave a lot.  The lantern is actually sitting on the worst one to hold it down. 
So it's now folded and tucked into the painted sewing machine drawer that holds many of my Kim Diehl mini quilts. It looks fine there. 
Another Sunday afternoon project was using up more of the apples my cousin brought me from Minnesota.  I haven't made an apple pie in years, but this turned out really yummy.

And while I was moving quilts around I thought I would show you another Kim Diehl mini quilt.  This is one of my favorites and from this year's Simple Whatnots series.  It makes the house look so cozy and welcoming. 


  1. Mini quilts are wonderful for holiday decorating, and yours are beautiful. I'm not pleased with any of the minis I've made. Maybe I should try again.

    Apple pie? Put on the tea kettle, I'll be over for a slice.

  2. I think the grid quilting does distort the quilt at times. Love your drawer of minis and the little one on the hearth. They add such charm to the decor. Your pie looks delicious!

  3. I love the colors on your little quilt - I wonder why it is rippled at the edges? Good idea to put something heavy on it - no one will ever know it's problems, unless you tell them about it. I love apple pie. Yours looks delicious. Thanks for linking up with Design Wall Mondays, Judy


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