
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Short bursts of energy

It seems like lately I just haven't had many chances to spend time in my sewing room. More hours at work and other events just take precedence sometimes.  I've been procrastinating with the Christmas stockings that I need to make.  Yesterday afternoon was finally my time!
Two of the stocking bodies are pieced and quilted and ready for their cuffs - after I embroider some names on them.  A third stocking has the front quilted, and it's pinned to the back. Maybe this afternoon I'll get back down there for long enough to put that one together. Then I still have one more to make before setting up that embroidery module on my machine and tackling the names.


  1. Your stocking are lovely. I am having the same problem . . . I wanted to get some sewing done today, but by the time Steve left for work he had asked me if I minded doing this for him and that for him . . . I have a hard time saying, no, I want some time for me today. Oh well, I'll do his chores with a grateful heart and maybe the Lord will surprise me with more time in the day than I thought possible. That has happened before :)
    Keep Smiling.
    Connie :)

  2. Hi Sara,
    I had wanted to make a stocking for my new great-nephew . . . but ended up buying one. I know - shame on me. I love your fabrics, and I can still make him another one when he has a sibling, right? HAHA ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Personalized stockings are wonderful - a beautiful tradition. Does everyone bring stocking stuffers or is it left to Santa?

    My sister cross-stitched a stocking for me and everyone in her family about 20 years ago. She stitches more as her family grows. Now, she's making some to have on hand.

  4. You are making great progress. Usually when we finally tackle those projects we've been putting off for so long, they go pretty quickly. Cute stockings!


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