
Monday, December 18, 2017

Holiday blues

Do you get the blues this time of year too?  I sure do and then I scold myself because I don't really have any major reason. So many people I know are dealing with difficult things in life such as illness or loss of a loved one. I'm not dealing with any of that. So there are no excuses and I'm trying hard to enjoy the little things that make the holidays special.
I only put up one tree this year instead of 3.  And I put up the stockings on the fireplace. No one but my cleaning lady with see any of this anyway as we've planned no parties and the kids are not coming here this year.  I do have a Christmas centerpiece on the dining room table, and a couple of Christmas quilts are out to enjoy. But for the most part I didn't get very carried away this year. And it's OK.

I love to collect Christmas ornaments. And unpacking them each year brings back lots of memories of people, places, or events.  So I enjoy decorating the tree - which is good because my husband never helps.  Seeing the stockings on the fireplace is always a cheerful scene for me.  I've tucked the grandkids' stocking stuffers in already, but haven't wrapped any gifts yet. I have a week to get that done.

I baked and decorated some Christmas cookies yesterday for a cookie exchange with some card playing friends on Tuesday night. And I mailed most of my Christmas cards on Saturday.  So, let the festivities begin. Oh, that's right, we haven't planned any festivities. Oh well, I'll just enjoy my tree all lit up and eat some Christmas cookies.


  1. Yes, I do get a wave or two of blues this time of year. I actually decorated a tree this year (it hasn't been up in over three years) and I enjoy looking at the lights in the evening as I knit. I love Christmas cookies too much to actually bake any, I do miss some of my favorites, though.

  2. It's hard when things change and the children aren't home. I didn't put a lot of my decorations out this year and that's ok. Nor did I buy many gifts. We decided not to give material things, but to give our time. Sure made my life easier not having to fight the crowds! Do something special for yourself this year!

  3. I never get sad at Christmas even when I am alone. I see it as a beautiful time of year to enjoy peace and try to bring joy to others who are less fortunate. Your tree looks lovely. May you have peace and joy this year too. Merry Christmas.

  4. I'm relaxing and enjoying this time of year. Paul did quite a bit of the shopping for the kids and I only had to take my MIL shopping. I do have the wrapping to do, but not in a rush. We're having company Christmas Eve and then going to my dad's for Christmas day. I'm not allowing myself to stress. We have our health and all our needs are met. Thanks so much for the Christmas card. I really enjoyed it.

  5. Your tree and fireplace are lovely! Enjoy them.


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