
Saturday, December 16, 2017

"Piece" and quiet

I finally got some time in my sewing room last night.  The hubbie and I were going to watch the Jackrabbit men's basketball game online. However - he turned the TV on to a college football game he wanted to see as well.  He couldn't just mute that football game, so we had to listen to them both. It didn't take me long to leave him to the noise pollution and I headed down to my sewing room. I needed a quieter environment.
So while I listened to a double overtime basketball game, I sewed.  All of the star "wings" are done and ready for the neutral HST pieces on 2 corners.  And 2 whole Farmhouse Stars blocks are done. 
This morning I pressed everything well and then played a little bit with the trimmings from those corners. This could make a cute little pillow or maybe a mini quilt.  I think there will be one more set of HST all around this. It felt really good to spend some quiet time at my sewing machine.


  1. That star block is really attractive and will make a great quilt. You'll have quite a few bonus HSTs by the time you finish the star components.

  2. I cannot watch my basketball team on tv. I get too antsy! So, I do get some sewing done while listening on the radio. I really like these blocks and the leftover block is really nice, too.

  3. Love that you had some time to sew. I couldn't watch either game, but kept up on the ESPN app.


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