
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Lack of focus and the UFO list

WARNING: photos of a growing mess to follow.  A lack of focus is really taking its toll on me lately. I am pretty much a task oriented person in my work world - I prefer to finish something before working on something new. So why, why, why doesn't that carry over into my creative world?  That little focus flag on my sewing room bulletin board needs to come out again and take a more prominent position.
I decided last night to try to make a new list of UFOs for 2018, and was almost immediately overwhelmed by the number of them.  Remember the Christmas stockings I was making a month ago for my daughter's family? On Thanksgiving she said "I don't remember asking you to do that" and of course that gave my little brain PERMISSION to set them aside.  Onto the UFO list they go!
This little pile above includes 2 unfinished bags that I used to teach a class, a design board with HSTs made of trimmings, a basket (hidden in back) full of kits, and who knows what else. The blue bag has parts for a kid sized Bricks and Stepping Stones quilt, which is a UFO from a couple of years ago. Those items are all going onto that UFO list.

Project boxes that have ongoing project pieces all nicely organized. Onto the UFO list!!!!  And fabrics gathered for Bonnie Hunter's new mystery quilt On Ringo Lake.  No cutting allowed until I finish something!! 
More project boxes!  And there are a few more in the cabinet I use for my cutting station.  How many do I have?  No idea!!  Guess I need to count them and prioritize them.  In the box on the floor is one of the Christmas quilts I've been working on. The basket on the left holds denim and flannel squares. And what is stacked on top? No idea.  Uff da!!!
And the huge closet in my sewing space is overflowing again.  Several tops ready to quilt are hanging up, along with some rows for this summer's Row By Row Experience.  Onto the UFO list they go!!  And on the floor - my box of black and whites that I'm using for Saturday Sampler, my fat quarter box, and a box with blocks from a rail fence quilt now draped with Halloween leftovers. Yikes!!!
I embrace the idea that the process of quilting makes me happy, even when I don't finish something. But I've reached that point - again - where the excess of unfinished "stuff" in that room has slapped me in the face.  Maybe it's that end of the year reflection and next week when I get a couple of days off again I can tackle some of it.
GULP - have I officially become a hoarder?  I see a giveaway in my future!


  1. Not hoarder, just creativity overflowing. I'm sure a bit of reorganizing and planning for the new year will set you back in motion. I feel like I've been in your place since August. I just haven't found my groove yet. I'll get there, but it takes time. I'm looking forward to my sewing retreat in January and then I'll be able to focus on UFO's. I feel so lucky not to be sewing many Christmas presents. However, I did order fabric for a bag for Mikaela's teacher and it arrived today, so I hope I can get it done before next Friday.

  2. My knitting UFOs are plentiful, but thankfully, my quilting/sewing UFOs are limited to two or three. I need to make a list and stitch to it.

  3. I feel your pain! I really need to do a complete overhaul of my hidey hole and get rid of things I no longer use. In addition, I need to make a list of UFO’s, too. All of the unfinished projects do vex the spirit! You will get back on track and have some beautiful finishes in 2018!

  4. I seemed to be in the same spot as you a few years ago. Last year in January, I declared it the "Year of the UFO" and it has worked!! I've completed all kinds of things. Start with low hanging fruit. What is almost done? Get a few things that only need quilting complete and others that are only waiting on borders and that will give you great motivation to keep going.

  5. Don't forget to add your cuzzin's finish to the list of UFOs. (evil laugh)


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