
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Binding another UFO

I'm working on the binding for my Friendship Exchange quilt, which is another UFO. 

This quilt has been a long-term project begun as a friendship exchange among 12 ladies in 2015. We each made 13 blocks using a brown floral fabric.  After exchanging them, each friend would end up with a full set of 12 blocks, plus we had an extra set to use for a donation project.  After marinating for 2 years, a donation quilt was completed in June 2017 from the extra set of blocks we made, and the quilt was donated to a local fund raiser.  However, I still had my own set of blocks to work with and chose to make my own quilt nearly identical to the donation version because I liked the layout.

The color in this picture isn't very true, as the blue here is really a teal and much more greenish. Once it's bound, I'll share a photo of the finished quilt. And I need to make a label to include the name of each lady involved in the exchange so I won't forget any friends.

1 comment:

  1. Listing the names of the ladies who made the blocks on the label is a great idea. The swirling quilting design is attractive. I'm eager to see the completed quilt.


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