
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Goals for the week

The most important goal for this week is to hand stitch the binding on this quilt.  Isn't the quilting on this pretty?  Bonnie did a great job on this one. The thread is actually an ice blue to match the background in the main part of the quilt. And it's just as pretty on the back, which is navy blue.
I also plan to pull fabrics for the 2 new Saturday Sampler blocks, make 1 more block for En Provence, and make another 20 flying geese units for On Ringo Lake.  We'll see how it goes. I have another quilt to bind too because I actually picked up 2 from the quilter on Friday, but this one is first.
And speaking of binding, how to you handle your binding?  Depending on how long it is, I've started hanging it on the second spool spindle on my machine.  The spindle pops up when needed and seems to work pretty well - allowing the binding to unwind slowly as I sew.  It does twist, so occasionally I just take the roll off and turn it over to remove the twist.  


  1. I keep the binding in a bin at my feet. It rolls inside the bin and manages to stay somewhat twist-free.

    Great foals for the week - breaking the project into weekly goals keeps the project active and not overwhelming.

  2. Sounds like great goals.I have a lot of cutting and prepping on my goals list for the week. I put binding on the table beside me as I don't press first.

  3. I put my binding on the spool holder as well. Works great.

  4. I love that idea, I don't really have a strategy other that laying it on my lap but I'm going to think about it more in future!


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