
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Just one block

My regular readers know that I'm working on 2 Bonnie Hunter mystery quilts right now: last year's En Provence and this year's On Ringo Lake.  And on Sunday I did manage to get 1 Ringo Lake block put together. I don't have all of the units made yet, but I worked ahead enough to do just 1 block to admire.
For now I can hang this on the design wall to keep me motivated while I keep plugging along. I'm also still plugging along on a 3rd block for En Provence. Slow progress, but still forward progress.


  1. Your block looks great. I'm still at just 1 block finished. I need to get more of the clues done before I can make more blocks.

  2. so intricate. Do you like doing mystery blocks? I haven't done any as I like to sort of see where I'm headed color wise. Now you're doing two! At once! Well, it keeps you off the streets and gives you two beautiful quilts at the end! lol

  3. Progress is good! Your block is beautiful. Pretty soon you will have two quilts worth of blocks to show!

  4. Such a pretty block. Bonnie's mystery quilts are beauties and have LOTS of pieces and components. Slow and steady progress will result in a quilt top in no time.


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