
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Under the weather

It hasn't been a fun week at our house. I laid around all weekend, nursing a cold. Monday I felt pretty good and thought I had this cold under control.

But Tuesday morning I woke up feeling so much worse. In the past 2 days I've gotten lots of sleep, coughed until my ribs hurt, and used 2 boxes of tissues on my poor red nose. And my husband was starting to get the same symptoms.  Today - I woke up feeling pretty good - and now my husband is definitely sick. He got up, ate breakfast, fed the cat, and went back to bed. He's sound asleep again.

I'm pretty sure in my case that it's just a cold because I've not had any fever, or aches, or chills. So no influenza, we think anyway. But whatever the bug, it has kicked our butts.

Daughter #1 drove the 70 miles here yesterday to pick up the Wizard of Oz theater tickets we couldn't use last night and delivered her home made elderberry syrup. Thanks Jer!!  So my girls enjoyed a night out together at the theater, and my husband's business partner got our Jackrabbit basketball tickets for tonight.  What WAS going to be a fun week of activities is turning into a big nap. But I have to get dressed and go to the grocery store because our supplies of Kleenex and cough medicine are almost gone. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you and your husband feel better soon. Rest and plenty of liquids are most likely the best things you can do.


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