
Monday, March 26, 2018

Design Wall Monday - jelly roll blocks

I wish I knew what this block is called. Six more of these 8.5" Christmas jelly roll blocks were pretty much the extent of my sewing this weekend. I have 41 of them done, and I need to lay them out and determine how many more I will want to make.  I haven't quite decided yet how big I want this quilt to be.

Check out other Design Walls today at:

I did pin a pillowcase, so it's ready to sew once I get some ambition back.  Also, I bound a Valentine table runner UFO.

I'm out of mojo for now. It's another grey, damp, dreary day - 5 in a row. I really need to some sunshine.  I can just feel the gloom setting into my brain when it's so dreary outside.


  1. I hear you I am ready for lots of sunshine! We will be calving soon so am praying for better weather. Love your quilts looks like you are getting alot of sewing time in:)

  2. I'm eager to see how the blocks look when set together in rows.

    Snowing here this morning (4" on the ground and still falling) so I know what you mean about having the gloom settling in your brain.

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