
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

On being a list maker

I've always been a list maker.  I do this with work related tasks, when I'm planning for an event, etc. Otherwise I just spin in place and don't get anything accomplished.  It's just how I function best.  I'm keeping track again this year of UFO projects for the APQ 2018 UFO Challenge. So far I've done well, and it does help to be accountable by writing about it.  BUT - I am choosing to not beat myself up about anything I don't finish, and that is an improvement.

The file they provided in the Facebook group had 3 lines per month, so I actually put in 3 different projects. That way I figured I could choose which one or ones I worked on - or move on to another month.  And I've given myself permission to replace things on the list that I've lost interest in with things I DO want to work on.  No quilt police here!  January's number drawn was 12 and I finished all 3 of the projects. Two of those were small, but they are still done. The blue bag was even given away right away.

February's number was 9.  I finished the binding for the ABC quilt in March finally, but it's done.  And I did manage to get both of the other quilts to flimsy stage. The QOV quilt is actually at the quilter's right now, along with 2 other quilts, and I hope to have it bound and ready to donate in April.

March's number is 3 and I've been working on 2 of the projects.  I have the parts all cut for Olivia's pillow, and the center section with her name has been sewn. And I bought the pillow form to go inside.  Yay!!  The Christmas jelly roll quilt (see yesterday's post) has 10 new blocks so far, but I know I'll need even more.  Jack's pillow will have to wait.

So - it definitely helps me to see what I've finished - written down and checked off.  I have a new project I want to start, but have challenged myself that it's the reward for finishing the flimsy of the Christmas jelly roll quilt. And for me, the process is more fun when I don't have so many UFOs hanging around taking up space. 


  1. always make lists....gets them off my mind and onto paper...

  2. I'm a list maker, too. Lists help me to organize my projects, my day, etc.

    Congratulations on checking items off of your UFO list.

  3. I'm a listmaker, too. I have so many quilting projects going at once, so I made a spreadsheet to keep myself from going crazy. But I think I might be crazy, though, because there are 16 (!) projects on it right now!


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